Our office hours are currently 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
We are continuing to offer appointments via telephone or video conference or in-person meetings.
Click here to schedule an appointment.
Court Status
Courts are operating in person on a limited basis, but are conducting many hearings remotely (by phone or video conference).
If someone has trouble with stairs, please advise.
Email is a good way to communicate with us, but texting is not. If you have questions about your matter, the best way to reach the attorney is to set up an appointment.
Courts are very busy and may continue a case at the last minute. Be sure to call the afternoon before any activity to confirm if it is still set.
Free Assistance.
In bad check cases and many family law areas such as paternity, termination of parental rights, and protection of children’s safety, governmental agencies may provide services at a free or reduced cost. Be sure to ask us to discuss these possibilities with you.